Should I build a career on Drupal?

An IT university student asked me one week before in a developer meetup here in Thessaloniki - Greece:

"Senior developers say to never count on a CMS to build a career. I have heard that Drupal 8.x is more mature than ever but how risky it is to spend my time on a hard to learn CMS in order to make a living? What is your advise as a...

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Top 10 Drupal links for a Drupal developer


Every Drupal devoloper is like a hunder in the woods! He reads books, blogs and learns things everyday because Drupal is a huge to learn CMS. Here are the top 10 links that every Drupal developer should know about.

1. (The Drupal Community)
2. http://...

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The ultimate 5 step guide to create a successful Drupal website

Drupal is a brilliant CMS! It gives a developer absolute freedom to create any content system. After some years of development with Drupal I ended up to a 5 step guide which I follow on every Drupal project...

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