Every Drupal devoloper is like a hunder in the woods! He reads books, blogs and learns things everyday because Drupal is a huge to learn CMS. Here are the top 10 links that every Drupal developer should know about.

1. http://drupal.org (The Drupal Community)
2. http://drupalmodules.com (Advanced Drupal modules search and reviews)
3. http://drupalmuseum.com (Drupal Web Design Inspiration)
4. http://mydrupal.com (Drupal Themes, Drupal Developers and services, Drupal Tools, Tips and Showcase)
5. http://drupalcodesearch.com (Drupal Code Search)
6. http://gotdrupal.com (Drupal Tutorial Site)
7. http://lullabot.com (Drupal videos, training, consulting, and guidance)
8. http://drupalfire.com (Drupal News and Views)
9. http://drupalsn.com (Drupal Social Network)
10. http://drupalgardens.com (Create free Drupal sites)